My name is Shawn Tabrizi and I am a full-time engineer living in Puerto Rico.
I was born and raised in the heart of the bay area, a breeding pool of technology and innovation. I first started programming at the age of 13, trying to learn how to hack my PlayStation Portable so that I could play free games. Through the PSP hacking community, I learned about the vast potential surrounding computers, programming, and the internet.
I graduated from the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara studying Physics and Mathematics.
I joined Microsoft less than a month later to work on Microsoft Azure, their cloud computing services.
I then contributed to Polkadot as a Lead Developer at Parity Technologies, working on blockchain infrastructure and the future of the decentralized web.
I now work independently as a Polkadot Fellow, contributing to and creating open source software.
I am always interested in new adventures, so please feel free to use any of the social links below to contact me.